You can’t always Hear the Answers that you Want
There are days when you just can’t understand what’s going on in your life. Sometimes, you will ask deep questions and fail to hear the answers that you want. And that’s okay. You are not alone. You are also surrounded by people who are still asking for explanations about certain situations in their lives. As long as you are living in this broken world, you will still go through uncertainties and unexpected events. There are times when you can’t find the strength to keep moving. There will be moments when you find it hard to even get up and start your day with excitement. But despite those difficult seasons, choose to seek God. Listen to His words. And keep in mind that He is already preparing the answers to your questions. It’s just there are times when His ways are too different from your expectations. You just need to trust Him despite what you feel.
Be patient with yourself. Don’t be too hard when you experience moments of brokenness. When God wants you to learn something important, there are really times when you need to go through the pruning season. But instead of focusing on the things that you want to happen. Just fix your eyes on the blessings around you. Set your eyes on the miracles that you experienced inside. Other people may not notice those things but learn to rejoice even in the simple victories. Align your desires to God, and you will slowly understand the truth behind all your questions.
Accept that not all your expectations will happen. Some of them are just part of your own imagination, but that doesn’t mean your life will turn into a mess. God has a purpose why He didn’t allow some of your desires to be part of your reality. Wait until you slowly see what He is doing behind the scenes. Trust in His plans and not on your own judgments. Believe in His ways and stop doubting His goodness. His love for you is deeper than you think, so align your thoughts to His perspective, and you will be guided.
Trust that God prepared a better answer to your questions. You may not always receive the answers you want, but choose to wait until you have the courage to acknowledge His ways. Sometimes, it takes time and patience to finally learn how to abide in His ways, but going through the long and painful process is all worth it. You will realize that His plans and purpose are greater than what you have in mind.