You can’t Change the Fact that you are Loved by God
You may not believe this because maybe you already experienced so much pain in life, and you can’t seem to understand what’s going on. This truth may appear impossible to you, but whether you believe it or not, God’s love will be there for you. As long as you are still breathing, God is still doing something great behind the scenes. You may think that nobody cares for you because the people around you tend to leave when things get tough, but not God. You may not always feel His presence, but He is always there. He never leaves your side. He was there when you are shouting for His help. He listens to your cry and He never abandoned you – not even once. He knows all your tears and He deeply understand your story. Simply because He witnessed everything that happened in your life.
Do not listen to your own voice. When you go through difficulties, the enemy will then inject thoughts in your head that will shake your faith. You will hear lies that will push you to believe that you are not loved and nobody wanted to be with you. When you are lonely, there will be unwanted voices in your head that will tempt you to feel pity on yourself. When that happens, you need to remind yourself that Jesus died to save you. It means that He loves you so much that He gave up even His own life and comfort just to lead you to eternity with God. He offered everything just for you to experience complete joy and rest in His presence.
Accept the truth that you are loved by God. Maybe you can’t comprehend this for now because you never really felt what it means to be accepted, but your Heavenly Father will slowly show you the things that He did just to save and protect you. He will open your eyes so that you will see the things that you used to ignore and fail to appreciate. He will change the way you think and teach you how to perceive your situation according to how He sees them. God already performed so many miracles in your life, and when you accept His love, you will witness them. You will learn to treasure His ways and appreciate the blessings that He gave you.
His perfect love can cast away all your fears. If your heart is so anxious and you can no longer find a way out. Then remember that His love is always available for you. In fact, He is just waiting for you to receive Him. You need help. You need Jesus in your life. You may think that you can do things on your own, but your fears are there to remind that you need to keep your faith. It’s time to step up and open your heart for God. Accept Him in your life and you will be transformed from the inside out.
God loves you so much, no “if’s”, no “but’s,” He just loves you with all His heart.