Self Development

You can’t Figure out the Lesson if you keep Focusing on your Negative Emotions

There are treasures hidden behind the problems that you are going through. You just need to let go of certain things so that you will learn to welcome the lessons that God wants you to learn. He wanted to give you a better perspective, but sad to say, you’ll fail to figure things out if you only allow your negative emotions to affect your decisions. You won’t see the precious gifts that He prepared because you are too occupied with the problems that you face. Remember that God allowed certain difficulties to happen for you to grow and learn new things. He wants to strengthen your heart and stretch your patience so that you can effectively handle the abundant resources that He provided. You need to take the process so that you will be prepared enough to face the battles in life.

Learn to manage your emotions. You can process them, but don’t allow what you feel to turn into a driving force that will change how you treat your circumstances. Surrender them to God and let Him teach you how to understand yourself. Managing your emotions doesn’t mean you need to hide and deny them. It simply means that you need to effectively use what you feel for your own benefit. You may label them as negative, but the truth is they reveal the deepest wounds in your heart that you need to deal. They are very important because without them, you won’t experience complete healing. So do not hide what you truly feel. Express them to your loving Father, and He will help you.

Always extract the lessons behind every circumstance that you face. Look at the details and try to figure out the valuable nuggets of wisdom that you can apply. Stop wasting your time by worrying about what might happen next. God is already waiting for you on the other side. And the only way for you to get there is to apply all the lessons that you’ll learn during the storm. Allow the difficulties to renew and restore your soul. It may feel like you are so weary and tired because of your situation, but if you only focus on the blessings of God, you will have the courage that you need to keep going.

Choose to grow in the Lord and be patient. Life will always give you valuable lessons. They may appear in various forms, such as problems and conflicts, but it’s where you can see yourself from a better perspective. Through the unexpected events that God allowed you to experience, you will also discover the potential He planted deep inside your soul.

Pray for a teachable heart and be humble enough to accept God’s words. Sometimes, you will receive His corrections out of guilt and shame, but God wants you to faithfully obey Him despite what you feel. Only then will you realize that everything that happened in your life is part of His perfect will.