You Can’t Fly If You Are Too Scared To Try
Your dreams have a purpose. You are meant to fulfill it. Maybe you think it’s too hard for you to achieve your desires, but everything is possible as long as you have God by your side. You just have to take the first step and trust that God will guide you along the way. Remember that nothing will happen unless you try something new. So do not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone. You can’t fly if you will just stay there. You need to do something. Courage is there not because you are not scared, but simply because you try to do things even if you feel so afraid deep within. Do not focus on the negative things that might happen. Keep going because God will provide you with enough resources.
Your Heavenly Father will be there to pick you up when you fall. There will be bumpy roads along the way. Sometimes, you will go through a very challenging path, and you will find yourself falling to the ground. You will get tired and will be tempted to give up, but even if you fall in the unexpected places, God will always be there to help you stand. He will give you strength. Remember that He is powerful enough to redeem you from pain. So go on and keep on walking. Do not be alarmed if things don’t go according to your expectations. Let God do His thing and just abide in His presence.
Treat your mistakes as your motivation to do even better. Keep the lessons inside your heart and be ready to apply those important things when the right time comes. Give yourself the chance to learn and grow. Remember that you are not perfect. Just be patient with yourself and allow the love of God to reign in your heart so that you will also learn to love yourself. The negative situations in your life will never destroy you as long as you put your trust in God. He will give you opportunities to learn new things. Sometimes, He will test our faith so that we will learn to depend on Him even more.
You are meant to experience great things in life. You are a child of God, and you are destined for victory. But you need to make a decision. You need to move and give yourself the chance to experience the blessings that God prepared for you. Submit your plans to God, and He will bless you. Keep on trying. Learn to persevere. You can rest along the way, but please do not stop. God’s favor will always be there to support you.

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never stop never give up