You can’t have a Perfect Life but you can live with a Fully Satisfied Heart
You will experience unexpected circumstances in life, and sometimes, it’s going to break your heart. Things will not be perfect, but you can choose to live with a fully satisfied heart. And it matters on how you see the world around you. If you keep on focusing on your expectations, then you will be disappointed because no matter what you do, you can’t simply control your situation. That’s why you need to set your eyes on what you can manage. And that’s the status of your heart. If you learn to be content and happy with what you have, then you will magnify the blessings of God. You will see the good things around you, and that will push you to live a fulfilled life.
Having a contented heart doesn’t mean that you will stop growing. You still need to learn new things and step out of your comfort zone. It’s just you need to keep in mind that even if you still have dreams in life that you wanted to happen, still that shouldn’t stop you from being grateful for the blessings that you have. Be happy even with the little blessings that God gave you. Cherish all the simple miracles that He poured out in your life. And only then will you enjoy the journey with Him. You may encounter so many challenges along the way, but your cheerful heart will help you overcome all of them.
Be fully satisfied in the presence of God. When you think that there’s something missing inside, come to Him and open your heart. His love will fill the emptiness that you feel. In Him, you will be made whole and complete. The negative things you experience can never hinder God from giving you the blessings that you need. When you are bombarded with so much pressure and stress, just close your eyes and connect to the heart of your Creator. Be still in His presence and embrace His peace.
The imperfections that you will encounter in life are nothing compared to the blessings of God. Keep His promises in your heart and pray that He will teach you how to be more sensitive with His ways. Yes, you can’t stop the bad things from happening, and there’s no assurance that pain will not be there, but life is worth all your sacrifices if you choose to spend it with Him. A life that is anchored in God’s grace and love is always priceless.