
You Can’t Have Everything, But You Can Choose To Be Grateful With The Blessings You Received

This life is not perfect. We can’t have everything that we wanted to receive or experience. That’s why we need to learn how to be contented in life. God already provided us with enough blessings. And for us to treasure all of it, we need to have a grateful heart that focuses on the good things around us instead of looking for the things that we don’t have. God knows our needs. And everything He provides for us is always enough. Sometimes, we fail to appreciate the beautiful ways of God because we are expecting something else to happen in our lives. There’s nothing wrong with hoping for the best things, but we need to learn how to focus on the blessings that God already provided for us.

Align your expectations to the will of God. Sometimes, we feel so disappointed every time God doesn’t answer our prayers. What if the desires of your heart are very different from the will of God? Instead of focusing on yourself, try to ask God about the things that He wanted you to do. And only then will you start to see His blessings from a different perspective. You will realize that God already provided you with the things you need to fulfill His plans in your life.

Choose to thank your Heavenly Father for all the good gifts you received from Him. If you just open your eyes to those people who are greatly suffering right now, you will realize that God has blessed you with amazing things in life. When you learn to surrender your selfish desires, you will slowly open your heart to the blessings of God. Instead of asking for more, God will change your perspective, and He will teach you how to share the gifts that you received with those people who terribly need some help.

A grateful heart can attract a lot of good things in life. So instead of complaining to God, why not choose to thank Him for everything He provided for you. When you focus on the positive situations you experienced, you will see many opportunities in life, and you will receive favor from God. Always remember that no matter what happens, His unfailing grace will always sustain you. And you will only feel satisfied with everything God did in your life the moment you learn to focus on His goodness and love.