Self Development

You can’t Hide your Wounds Forever

You can silently cry in the darkness, keep the pain inside and try to appear whole and healed, but you can’t always hide your wounds forever. You may have a lot of ways how to temporarily set aside what you truly feel, but life will throw so many circumstances that bring out what you’ve been hiding. Sooner or later, the wounds will manifest in ways you never expect. You will try to express them through anger, bitterness, or fear. When you ignore the pain you feel, it will turn into negative emotions you can’t easily control. So before it bursts in the open, come to God and deal with the wounds. Tell Him about what happened. Be honest with what you feel. Share with Him all your thoughts and dreams that were shattered because of what you experienced. He will listen to you. He will help you.

Stop ignoring the symptoms that you feel. Your heart will slowly manifest negative emotions that will give you some clues about the wounds that you need to face. Behind your anger is a heart that longs for love. Behind the fears are painful pasts that you weren’t able to overcome. Behind the bitterness and self-doubts are past mistakes that you badly wanted to let go. So don’t treat your emotions as your enemy. They are like compasses that will help you find the way out. Listen to your heart and try to observe the things that trigger you. Only then will you have an idea about what’s really going on deep within your soul.

Acknowledge the truth that you badly need healing. It takes a brave heart to accept the truth that we are broken, and we need some help. Sometimes, we choose to face it on our own, thinking that we are alone in this life. But know that you always have a companion. God is with you, and He is the only one who can completely restore your soul. Stop putting unrealistic expectations on yourself. Accept the truth that there are really times when you badly want to give up because of too much pain. You are not alone. You are also surrounded by broken people who are also trying to find some relief and healing. Come to your only Healer, and He will walk with you along the process.

Face the pain with God. You don’t have to do things on your own. Depend on God and ask for His strength. The pain will be unbearable. That’s why you need to seek His supernatural grace to help you face the deep wounds. Most of the time, the process takes so long. In those moments, you will experience so many difficulties. Just learn to hold the hands of God and keep your faith in Him. Trust in His love and claim His promises. Choose to persevere, and God will fully heal you in His perfect timing.