You can’t see the Blessings Because you Focused on the Problems
There are a lot of good things that are happening around you. But sad to say, you fail to see them because you treat your problems as more significant than what your Creator can give. You tend to magnify what’s wrong instead of looking for solutions. God already gave you the resources that you need to overcome the circumstances that you are facing. You just have to allow Him to guide you. He can give you the wisdom that you need. Just stop entertaining your worries. God understands your situation. He knows the best thing to do. Instead of putting conclusions on things that you can’t fully comprehend, why not listen to God and let Him teach you what to do?
Your problems are there to help you grow. There are hidden treasures behind your tears and pain. You just need to listen to God and stop following your own understanding. You won’t fully learn His lessons if you will allow the obstacles to overwhelm you. It may not be that easy to solve, but God will give you enough grace. He will always send help. You just need to open your eyes so that you will see them. Remember that He works in ways you can’t see. Sometimes, the solutions that you have in mind are so different from God’s plans. So learn to be patient and don’t be in a hurry. Wait for Him to move and give Him some space to perform miracles.
Focus on your giver and not on the bad things that happened. With a thankful heart, remember the things He provided you. He loves you so much. He wants to give you the best things in life. Just because you face problems doesn’t mean your life is doomed. Let the power and faithfulness of God give you the hope that you need to continue walking. Focus on His promises and live according to His goodness. Treat Him as your source of life, and you will never run dry. In His presence, you will discover the blessings that you used to ignore. The Holy Spirit will let you see the wonderful opportunities around you. Only then will you have some ideas on how to solve your problems.
Receive God’s blessing and let His peace reign in your heart. Depend on Him and not on your own strength. Sometimes, when you face difficulties, you tend to treat them as a hindrance in honoring God’s name. Don’t allow the circumstances around you to stop you from serving Him. Continue to do the right thing. Focus on the blessings that you can’t see. Thank God for the bright future that He prepared. And by faith, receive God’s victory and grace.