Self Development

You create your Life’s Meaning

Please don’t allow other people to dictate your life. Remember that they can easily change their minds, and it will make no sense to chase their expectations. Instead, create your own definition with God. Move and make choices according to His principles, and you will always be guided. Your life is not only a journey of finding meaning because God already planted your purpose inside your heart. You are not to find meaning, but you are to create it. Do not pressure yourself to write a perfect one. Remember, reality is not always perfect, and it will never be. You are meant to make mistakes because you are learning and figuring things out. Write everything: all the hurt, pain, heartbreak, joy, happiness, and laughter. Let it be more colorful than a rainbow and meaningful than a sign.
Do not worry. You will never be alone. Just acknowledge His presence every step of the way. Please do not compare yourself to others. Instead, learn from them. Be kinder and listen more to God. Let your creator help you. Treat the circumstances that He allows you experience to strengthen you in this life and come out stronger and better. Live one day at a time, and give your best shot at every chance.
Your life is between you and God. Remember that you can never control anything in this life, but the One who is with you can always do great and miraculous things. Do not just long for material things. You already have what you need. Just work on it, and you will see more incredible things. See Him in everything you do. Shift your perspective according to how God sees things and your life will never be the same again.

God already gave you the authority you need. You may say that God predetermines everything, but still, your life depends on your choices. God is there to guide and support you. He sets the rules and gives you the guidelines about how this life works. The bible is there as your manual. And it’s up to you if you will work inside His principles or not.