Self Development

You Don’t Have To Explain Yourself To Those People Who Never Really Care About You

You may receive a lot of negative comments from other people. But always remember that those who truly care about you will not bother to focus on the negative things in your life. Yes, they will correct you, but they will never talk bad about you in front of other people. Instead, they are the ones who will speak the truth to you even if it hurts, and those people will always be there for you along the journey. So if you think that you need to explain yourself to those who simply judge you without even knowing your heart’s status, then it’s time to remind yourself that you don’t have to explain everything. Because what’s important is that the people you love know who you truly are.

Just focus on glorifying God. Please Him and not the people around you. Remember that you can never please everyone, but if you learn to set your eyes on God, then you will never be easily shaken by the negative comments you receive from others. Choose to follow His ways, and don’t worry if other people are not happy with what you are doing. Seek your happiness in the arms of God, and this world can never destroy you. Focus on the talents and gifts that He provided for you and use all of it to bless others. It’s okay if people will not appreciate the things that you are doing. God sees everything, and He will bless you.

Learn the lesson but never allow negative comments to destroy your life. Sometimes, you will get an important hint on the things you need to improve in your life from those who judge you. Just accept the things that you need to change and do it not for them but for the glory of God. What’s important is that you are growing. It may cause you some pain. But take it as an opportunity for you to grow in the presence of God. 

Choose to pray for them. Lift up to God what you truly feel inside and surrender those people to Him. Let Him move and change the heart of those who caused you pain. And above all, pray that God will also change your thoughts so that you will learn to handle criticisms. Allow Him to teach you what to do, and He will give you a better perspective.