
You may face Harsh Realities, but God’s truth will Prevail

Pain is real. Whether you like it or not, you will meet people who will break your heart. And it’s not because they wanted to destroy your life. It’s just they are broken people who happen to look for love in the wrong way. Hurt people hurt people. And that truth is sometimes unbearable.

Why do we sometimes look for love in the arms of strangers?

Why do we need to go through pain because of the people we love?

Why do we need to experience betrayal in life?

Why do we need to receive harsh treatment from others?

It’s because you are surrounded by people who still need healing. And that harsh truth may sometimes be senseless, but this is what we are experiencing. It’s hard to comprehend this, but we need to face reality and learn to live with it.

But the good news is that God exists.

It means that there is still hope. He holds the truth that gives us the courage to keep moving despite the pain. He is giving us promises that we can declare every time we meet broken people. He says in His word that He loves us and laid down His life for us (John 3:16). He wanted us to keep moving because He prepared a bright future for us (Jeremiah 29:11). He will take good care of us like how the shepherd takes good care of his sheep (Psalm 23).

There are so many truths that you can hold on to. Open the Bible, and you will discover powerful promises that will change the way you look at pain. This life may not be perfect, but God’s love is there to give you what you need. His grace remains even when you commit mistakes. He stays faithful to you even if you can’t appreciate His blessings. His word prevails despite the heartbreaks you are facing.

Set your eyes on His goodness and love. Gaze on His beauty and receive His mercy. Stay in His presence, and you will learn to live this life in victory. Remind yourself that perfect love exists. And you can find it in the arms of the One who died to save you from hell.

When people break your heart into pieces, know that God is your healer.

When you can’t bear the pain inside, remember that He is your comforter.

When the burden is so heavy to carry, He is just there waiting for you to surrender.

When you feel so lost within, the Holy Spirit is there to guide you.

You can’t stop bad things from happening. You can’t even hide yourself away from pain. But, you can always hold on to God’s truth. You can always put your trust in Him.