You may Feel so Broken, but still, you are surrounded by so many Blessings
Going through the brokenness season is not easy. It’s like walking inside a dark tunnel, and it’s so hard to keep moving. You’ll easily get tired and suddenly feel exhausted. It’s a heavy burden that you need to carry every single day. But despite what you are going through, know that God didn’t create you to feel so hopeless. You can do something about it.
Yes, it’s important to acknowledge and accept what you feel, but you don’t have to live a life full of misery. God never stopped doing good to you. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His love for you remains the same. In fact, He continues to provide you with so many blessings. His grace surrounds you right now. But you won’t feel His presence not until you make a choice. You need to open your heart so that He can perform miracles in your life.
Choose to be grateful even in the midst of pain. This is not an easy thing to do, but think of the good things that happened in your life instead of focusing on your circumstances. Thank Him for the lessons that you learned. You may not know when you can apply that wonderful wisdom that He gave you, but remember that He won’t give you something that will not be glorified in the end. Let the brokenness you feel bring you closer to Him. It’s actually a very wonderful opportunity for you to experience His love. When you are in pain, that’s the time when His presence feels so tangible.
Thank Him for the grace to overcome that difficult season in your life. Everything will be worth it in the end. His grace and mercy will make you realize that God is all you need. In His presence, you will feel so satisfied and contented. You have no idea how great God’s plan is in your life. So keep your faith, and don’t lose hope.
Take a step and use the blessings that you have. God gave you so many resources. So choose to maximize them and don’t focus on the pain. Use your time, skills, money, and talents for His glory. Serve Him and slowly take one small step at a time. You don’t have to force yourself to do the big things. Just make small changes in your life. Yes, you are allowed to feel vulnerable and weak, but after you finish crying, go and do something for God’s glory. Serve the people around you, and only then will you feel so blessed. Don’t hide yourself away from people. Expose yourself to different ministries, and you will slowly see God’s hands moving in the midst.
You can overcome the pain as long as you focus on the blessings. Be grateful and use what you have to serve God. Take a step and move forward. You will slowly see brighter days ahead. God loves you so much! It means that even if you go through dark seasons in life, He will keep on providing you with what you need. You just need to open the eyes of your heart so that you’ll appreciate them. Learn the lesson behind the pain and take one small step closer to God’s heart.

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Nathaniel Myles