
You Need to Trust God’s Process

You have a different timeline in life. You can’t always force things to happen the way you want it to be. That’s why you need to trust God’s process because He knows the best thing to do. It’s better to wait and be patient than make the wrong choice and suffer the consequences. All you need to do is to surrender all your desires to God and allow Him to lead you to the right path. Do not rely on your own knowledge and understanding. Remember that there are many things that you still need to learn along the way.

God knows what He Is doing. He knows where to start and what exactly the process that you need to go through. Do not doubt in His love for you. God will take good care of you, so don’t worry. Sometimes, we just experience pain along the process but then believe that God is still working on the important matters inside your heart. You may not understand everything as of the moment, but you just have to trust God. You are in the right hands. 

He is building your foundation on the inside so that you will not be easily shaken when you face a lot of storms in life. God is pruning you. He will take away the things that hinder your growth, and He will teach you how to properly deal with this life. Whether you like it or not, He needs to break the things that will just destroy you in the end. You will get confused along the process, and you will tend to ask for some reasons why you need to go through different circumstances, but believe with all your heart that God is making way for you.

The changes in your life will not happen instantly. The process itself takes time, effort, and most of all, it requires so much faith. But rest assured, everything will be worth it. The journey that you will experience with God will never be wasted. In fact, it will become one of the greatest treasures that you can have here on earth. It’s the kind of riches that can never be taken away from you. The unforgettable memories you have with God will always stay in your heart. If you feel like everything is too late for you, always remember that God has a different timeline. Don’t focus on the standards of this world but choose to honor and follow God. Just trust in His process.