Self Development

You start to Die the Moment you feel Worthless

Death is not just about physical, but you can also experience it the moment you feel so useless. Your soul will die every time you think that you are worthless. One way to keep moving is to remember the reasons why you are here. Your foundation needs to be stronger than the storms that you face in life. Put God at the center, and you will not be shaken. Know who you are in His eyes, and you will receive the courage you need.

In Him, you will discover your purpose. So stay in His presence, and He will never make you feel like you are nothing. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Instead, call upon God, and He will open your eyes. He will change the way you see things, and you will then appreciate everything that He gave you. Do not slowly end your life by thinking of negative things about yourself. Believe with all your heart that you are important. He never created a useless person. He has plans for you. Just walk in His love, and you will discover the great things that He prepared.

You are a child of God. It means that you are created for a purpose. You are not an accident. He allowed you to live because He gave you something that you can offer to this world. You have unique talents and gifts. You just have to discover them in His presence. And it’s hard to figure out His calling if you don’t have a relationship with Him. Get to know His heart, and you will discover the reason why you are here. Let your identity be rooted in His love. Remind yourself that you are here on earth because He wants you to do something for His glory. Your life is a blessing. If you just open your eyes to the needs of the people around you, you will surely find a way to create value for them.

When the voice inside your head says that you are useless, then you need to declare this to yourself:

“I am a child of God, and I am here for a purpose that is greater than myself.”

Grow in God’s presence, and you will discover the right thing to do. Spend more time with Him so that your mind will be filled with Heavenly things. In such a way, you will be reminded of what matters most in life. If you keep talking to Him, you will be familiar with His voice, and you will know how to overcome the negative thoughts in your mind. Just choose to trust in Him and do not rely on your own understanding.

There are so many things that you don’t know. So if you keep on following your knowledge, then you will not grow. You will not see the great blessings around you. So with a humble heart, come in the presence of God and let Him fill your wounded heart with His love. You will slowly see the bright future that He prepared. He will give you visions that will lead you closer to His heart. By His grace, you will feel whole and contented. And you will stop treating yourself as someone who is worthless. Instead, you will treasure your life the way God treasures you.

Live according to your purpose. Try to think of the things that you love doing. Do what makes you feel fulfilled on the inside. God planted a desire in your heart, so go and start to make those things happen. If you think that what you are doing right now is not aligned with your passion, talents, and skills, then you need to make a difficult decision. You can stay like that for the rest of your life, or you can change your direction.

Ask God’s guidance, and He will lead you to the right way. You will feel discontented if you keep doing the things that are far from your heart. Let go and take a risk. He will be there to hold your hands. Pray for His wisdom, and He will reveal to you the things that you can do. When you live according to your purpose, you will stop feeling so down. Instead, the fire within will help you see the light towards the future that He prepared.