You will Bloom once you become Honest with Yourself
Sometimes, God will reveal something about yourself that will be hard for you to accept. He will show you your reality that will be hard to believe in. God will bless you in every endeavor that you will choose. Still, sometimes you need to face the things you have been avoiding for a long time or even something you never knew that caused you to be who you are in the present. But despite the pain, know that His intention is always clean and pure. You must acknowledge that there are parts of you that need fixing for you to see more of His blessings. His guidance, and favor are always available but you need to make the right choices so that you can maximize His blessings.
Learn to accept your reality – including the good things and the flaws that you have. Being honest can mean avoiding the things that will hurt you. Everyone was trying our best, and all of us were damaged somehow. Being honest means that you also acknowledge that you got hurt, you were in pain, and things have broken you. You need to understand your situation without biases and try to analyze the things that you have experienced. You need to be honest about what makes you happy and what are the things that hurt you.
Give yourself a chance to grow. Find the place where your heart will be filled with joy and love. Sometimes, what pulls you from such opportunities is the thought that you try to please others. Even though they give you strength in some ways, it does not mean you are obliged to do the same thing. You are your own person. Just remember that if you want to serve the people you love more, choose things that will help you grow. You need to realize that you are essential. Saying no to some things signifies that you are mature in this life. Saying no is also a way of protecting your peace. Protect yourself at all costs. Don’t trade and drown yourself just to make other people happy. Remember that you can show love in many ways, but it does not mean you will lose yourself along the process.
There will be moments when people or situations will suck your goodness and energy. When it happens, always remember and reflect. Don’t fool yourself that what you do is always for them and to make others happy and comfortable. Remember, you can always love without getting hurt. Value the worth that God has in you. When everything becomes too much, and you find yourself drowning from pressure and expectations, please have the courage to get up at least for your own good.
Sometimes, honesty goes in hand with healing, and it does not always feel comfortable. The journey of recovery will really bring you to your knees. It’s not easy but remember that no matter how many times you fall, He is always there to catch you. Just choose to be honest, and you will learn to value yourself more.