
You will fail to Appreciate the Blessings if you always Focus on what’s Missing

There are so many reasons to be happy. But sad to say, you fail to see the blessings around you because you choose to focus on what’s missing. If you only open your eyes to the good things that God is doing, then you will surely live this life full of joy and peace. Maybe your expectations are just too high, and your standards are not aligned to God. That’s why you can’t appreciate the simple yet important things around you. Never depend your happiness and fulfillment on other people or the things that you want to have. It’s a choice that you need to make. Choose to be happy even with the little miracles that you experience every day.

Stop focusing on what’s missing. Learn to value every moment of your life by being grateful to God for everything He has given you. Feel the wind around you. Listen to the birds singing. Appreciate the flowers outside. God already provided you with everything that you need. He is so gracious that He still gave you the food you eat and the air you breathe. What more are you asking for? There’s nothing wrong with desiring great things in life, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect what you have in front of you. Learn to steward those blessings. How can God trust you to handle the great things if you are not even faithful with what you have right now?

You are so blessed. You are loved and surrounded by God’s goodness. Maybe you feel disappointed because you think that He is not answering your prayers, but the truth is, He knows what can truly satisfy your heart. Trust Him when He asks you to wait. Believe in His promises even if you can’t see what’s ahead. Focus on the opportunities and make the most of the resources that He provided for you. If you only set your eyes on glorifying His name, then you will surely enjoy every moment with Him. Your life is not that boring. You can have fun even with the little things.

Pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will learn to properly manage His blessings. Be humble enough to accept His instructions. Receive His wisdom, and you will figure things out. Let Him change the way you see things, and you will be able to maximize everything He has given you. One day, you will realize that what you have right now is more than enough. You are one of the wealthiest people in the world if you have Jesus in your heart.

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