You will not be Healed if you keep on Hiding from God
The strongholds of the enemy will flee from you if you expose them in the presence of God. Stop keeping everything inside. Yes, God already knows what you’ve been through, but it’s different if you will choose to confess and repent to Him. Renounce the enemy’s works in front of God, and imagine that you are surrendering all your burdens to Him. Let God fight the battle for you. Do not run away from Him because it will never solve your problems. You may feel so ashamed because of the bad things you committed, but the best thing you can do is rely on God for healing. He alone can purify your heart. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse you from the inside out.
You are a child of God. That’s why you don’t have to run away from Him. Do not let the shame and guilt hinder you from experiencing His blessings. Remember that you are not perfect, but the grace of God is always enough to make your faith grow. So do not look at yourself because you will be disappointed with the imperfections you will see in your life. The best that you can do is focus on God because He is the only One who can restore you. He alone can make you whole and complete. Seek His name and stop entertaining the lies of the enemy.
If you want to be healed, then let the love of God embrace you. Open your heart and let Him come in. You need His unfailing love to remind you that everything is going to be okay. Do not carry all the burdens on your shoulders. Do not fight the battle on your own. Acknowledge the power of God and be humble enough to admit that you can’t save yourself from the strongholds of the enemy. You need Jesus. His precious blood is powerful enough to set you free from the bondages in your life. Healing comes the moment you choose to open your heart for His great love.
Come back to the arms of your Father. He is just waiting for you. He never wants to see you suffer. Remember that you are His precious child, and He will always heal your heart as long as you allow Him. God will never force you to do what He wants. He gave you the freedom to make choices. He will provide for the blessings that you need, but the choice is still yours to make. I hope you will choose Him over the shame and the pain that you feel so that you will receive His healing.

ira mae competente
Yes, Amen. I know God can heal anyone as long as we rely on Him. I am praying for healing, not for myself but for a special man of my life. Nothing is impossible to God.
Jesus promised to heal us. By the stripe of His blood we are healed. Believe it and accept His healing power for nothing is impossible with God. Thank Jesus for healing you.
Sunitha Samson.
Yes, I agree with the wonderful power of the name of Jesus Christ. I surrender all my ego, hidden guilt before Him. I know He will accept me and wash away all my inabilities. But I trust His gracious mercy. So I love Him. Thank you Jesus for your help and promise, you will be my shepherd leading me in your righteous path. Amen 💖 Hallelujah 🙏
Thank friend in Christ for giving me such a wonderful heart changing message. .🙏