You Will Only Discover Your True Identity The Moment You Encounter Your Creator
Stop looking for answers in the wrong places. Sometimes, we wanted to know who we truly are inside, but then we tend to listen to the wrong people. If you wanted to discover more of yourself, then ask your Creator. He alone knows your real identity. Remember that He never commits mistakes. You may think that you are worthless, and you may label yourself as a failure. But the truth is, God created you in a very unique way. You are here for a purpose. God will never create something that has no value. Nothing can compare to His riches, and that includes you. The moment you realize your true identity in the Lord, you will also learn to treasure yourself.
God alone knows who you truly are. Aside from the fact that He created you, He also witnessed everything that happened in your life. You are here on earth for a purpose. An inventor or an artist will never create something without an end in mind. God chose you to live here on earth because He wants you to do something great. And you need to discover your identity first before knowing the purpose that He destined for you to live. So listen to His voice instead of listening to the lies of the enemy. Remember that the thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy you, but God is always there so that you may have life and have it abundantly.
Always remind yourself that you are God’s beloved. This is one of the most important identities that you should never forget. The word will give you a lot of challenges. It will test your faith. And if you forget that God loves you so much, you will tend to feel weak because of all the negative things you will experience. The love of God is your powerful weapon against the lies of the enemy. He will empower you to make choices that you’ve never made before. God’s love will give you the strength to move on.
Your identity is very important. The way you handle your situations in life depends on how you see yourself. So focus on your identity in the Lord so that you will not be tempted to give up in life. You are created to be victorious. You are God’s champion. That simply means success is already part of who you are. So stop living in a life full of mystery. Pray that you will encounter more of God so that you will know who you truly are in His eyes.
One Comment
This is such a beautiful message and reminder. Thank you . God bless