
You Will Stop Seeking Validation From The Outside If You Know Who You Are On The Inside

Those who don’t know who they truly are will seek validation from the people around them. They will find themselves looking for the approval of others, and they will ultimately feel exhausted simply because they can’t please everyone. This is why it’s very important to work on your core so that you won’t be easily shaken.

If you don’t have a strong foundation, other people will easily dictate your identity, or perhaps the situation around you will become your driving force. Instead of standing on solid ground and living in your core values, you will find yourself following the principles of this world. This will then lead you to a life full of misery and unfulfilled dreams.

It’s time to strengthen what’s on the inside. Perhaps you have been trying to focus on the external things that you hoped to change all this time. But the important part is your core values. These will serve as your foundation in life and guide you, especially when you make big decisions.

And this is your identity: you are a child of God. You are His beloved. This means that no matter what people say about you, whether it be negative or positive, those words can never change the fact that a perfect God loves you. Plant this truth in your heart because this will protect you in times of pain and trials.

Know your identity in the Lord. He is the way, the truth, and the life. In Him, you will find strength. Treat Him as the source of every blessing, and the bad things that happen around you will never destroy you. If you know who you are in the eyes of God, you will stop seeking validation from other people. Instead, you will please and honor Him in everything that you do.

Remember that your faith in God will strengthen you.