Self Development

You will Thrive the moment you stop relying on your Own Strength

Do you want to survive? Then stop looking at your weaknesses or even rely on your own strength. What you have inside is not enough. You need an external force that will help you walk along the hard roads. You need the power of God in your life. The victory lies not according to your own efforts but it’s all about your faith in Him. You need to learn how to surrender. Give up the things that you can’t control and allow Him to take over. Stop carrying the burdens on your own. You can never arrive to the place that God prepared for you if you keep on fighting the battle using your own strength. Ask help from God. Treat Him as the King of your life and you will learn to follow His voice.

Allow God to move. Sometimes, you will fail to experience more of Him because you keep on looking at your capacity to do things. You tend to focus on what you can do instead of trusting in His power. You need to learn how to open your heart so He can move and perform miracles in your life. God wants to take the credit. That’s why He wants to show you the things that He can do. He wants to make you realize that you need Him in your life. This is not just your story. But this is about your journey and your relationship with God. Include Him in the process. When you can’t solve the obstacle in front of you, it’s the perfect time to surrender all your burdens to Him.

All you need to do is receive His strength. You don’t have to strive for things that you can’t handle. Just raise your hands and acknowledge God’s power in your life. Magnify His name and remind yourself that this life is all about glorifying Him. Let His grace embrace your weary heart, and you will have the courage to keep going. Maybe you feel so exhausted right now because you choose to carry all the pain on your own. You think you can face the past just by increasing your efforts, but the truth is, you need the love of God to equip you. You can’t mend what’s broken just by relying on yourself. You need to let go and open your heart for more of Him.

You can find victory in the arms of Jesus. He already defeated the principalities of this world. His blood already saved us from the fires of hell. We are already victorious in Him. So allow Him to reign in your life. Let Him walk with you. Listen to His voice and follow His instructions. Let Jesus reign in your heart, and you will thrive.