Self Development

You Will Value Other People When You Fully Grasp Your Worth In God’s Eyes

You can’t give what you don’t have. It will be very challenging for you to appreciate other people if you don’t know your identity in the Lord. How you see yourself will reflect in the way you treat others. If you find it hard to see the worth of other people, then try to check your heart because there’s a possibility that you also fail to recognize who you truly are in the eyes of your loving Father. So if you wanted to be a better person, then get to know yourself first according to how God sees you, and only then will you learn to extend His love to those people who find it hard to value themselves. Seek God first, and the changes that you wanted to experience will follow.

This is who you are in the eyes of God. You are His beloved, a priceless treasure, and a precious child. You are so important to Him. He will do everything to save you from the fires of hell. In fact, He let His son Jesus Christ suffer on the cross to redeem you from greater pain. You are not worthless. He bought you for a price that you can never repay. If you only realize the sufferings that Jesus did on the Calvary, you will surely realize how big His love is. Know that He has great plans for you. No Father would put his child to harm. God wants you to experience the best things in life. So listen to Him, for He alone knows you by heart.

Remember your identity in the Lord and always choose to accept His unfailing love. Always keep in mind that you are a child of God. When you feel so down and find it hard to understand other people, just open your heart for His love, and He will teach you how to show compassion to others. His love will give you the courage to accept the difficult people in your life. When the enemy keeps whispering so many lies in your ears, then remind yourself that only God can dictate your identity.

You will only learn to appreciate other people the moment you realize who you truly are. Your behavior will reflect the way you see things. So never forget your value in the eyes of God. That’s the only way for you to love other people with all your heart. When you know that God created you to love and be victorious, you will also learn to fight for what is right. You will also extend His grace to those who badly need it. You can fully love someone if you already experienced the unfailing love of God. And you can only value others if you also feel valued by God.