You won’t Always see things in the Right Way
There are times when your perspective doesn’t align with the principles of God. The things that you experience will lead you to create opinions that will direct your decisions in life. So instead of listening to your own voice, learn the habit of questioning your opinions. Try to ask questions to yourself that will lead you to discover the truth. Humbly admit that you don’t know everything. There are still things that you need to learn. So don’t immediately conclude about your situation. Just because you are in pain doesn’t mean you already have the right to believe in your own understanding. Yes, you need to acknowledge your emotions, but you also need to learn how to seek advice from the One who knows it all.
Have a teachable heart. Focus on the lessons that you will get in every situation. Try to figure out the things that you need to change so that you can apply what you learned. You won’t gain a new understanding if your heart is closed for some corrections. Acknowledge the truth that not everything that you believe in can protect your heart from potential pain. You may want to build some borders and walls inside, but your principles can easily destroy your life if you are not humble enough to spot the lies in your head. The negative thoughts will slowly dictate your actions and eventually break your trust and faith.
Choose to align your principles with God. Read the bible and try to check if what you believe in is the sole truth. Learn from His words and instructions. Study the stories of His people and reflect on how God reveals the truth to them. The moment you realize how He teaches His children, your heart will slowly accept His corrections. There may be days when you find it hard to understand His ways, but if you are just patient enough to wait for things to unfold in your life, you will surely appreciate what He is doing just to redirect your path. It won’t happen immediately. Sometimes the process of discovering the truth is painful, but it will always be worth it in the end.
Do not rely on your own understanding. Remember that you have your limitations. There are things in this life that you can’t simply comprehend just by observing them with your naked eyes. You need to ask for God’s wisdom to teach you how to see things according to His principles. Depend on Him and consult Him before you make any conclusions. God is the one who can open your eyes to the truth that you’ve been looking for. Just slowly learn to process your thoughts by aligning with God’s word, and only then will you know what’s the next thing to do.