You won’t be Distracted by Comparison if you Know your Identity in the Lord
You are unique and special in the eyes of God. And unless you accept and believe this truth with all your heart, you will always compare yourself to others. That unhealthy habit will slowly destroy your life. You will no longer recognize the blessings around you, and You will always think of the things you don’t have. So please know your identity in the Lord so that you will learn to see your true worth. Sometimes, you will think that you are not enough because you keep looking at what other people have. You feel sorry for yourself, and you start to have self-pity. The worst thing is, you will no longer see yourself as a valuable person because you keep on comparing yourself to others. Please do not listen to the lies of the enemy. You are so important, and you are who you are for a reason.
You are a child of God. That means you are wonderfully and fearfully created by Him. You are like a treasure in His eyes, and He loves you so much. He will stay faithful to you, and His plans for you are greater than what you have in mind. He gave you access to His Kingdom. So use what you have and focus on the blessings in your life. You are chosen and so precious in His eyes. You are made to experience great things that are beyond what you can imagine. You are beautiful from the inside out, and the standards of this world can never change that.
God designed you for a purpose. You may wonder why He gave you that kind of life, but if you choose to abide by His instructions, He will reveal to you the blessings you can use for His glory. He will teach you how to appreciate every little that you receive from Him. Just listen to His voice and believe that God has wonderful plans for you. Fix your eyes on Him so that you will not be tempted to entertain the voices of the enemy. Instead, focus on His goodness and love and choose to walk along the path that He wanted you to take.
Remind yourself about who you truly are. Never forget the things that He said to you. Fill your mind with His words and promises. Read the bible every day and declare His goodness in your life. Never treat yourself as someone who is worthless. When you are too focused on God, you will no longer compare yourself to others. Instead, you will appreciate your life here on earth.