You’ll accept God’s will when you realize that you are Nothing Without Him
It takes a humble heart to acknowledge the sovereignty of God. Sometimes, we humans tend to follow our will thinking that we can make it on our own. We only ask His help every time we are in the middle of trouble. And when we can’t receive His answers, we tend to feel disappointed.
God is not like human. Please treat Him as your King and not just your Savior. It means that you allow Him to rule your life, and you accept His will even in moments when you can’t understand His ways.
Do not follow your pride and ego because they will lead you to destruction. Listen to the voice of God and humble yourself in His presence. Accept the truth that you are nothing without Him. Yes, you will still live if you won’t believe in Him, but your life will be so empty and meaningless if you won’t live according to the purpose that your Creator gave you. Things will appear so useless the moment you live outside God’s presence.
He is the one who created us. He is the source of every blessing that we receive. So we must learn to glorify Him and stop following our own will. Obeying Him is not easy, especially when you lived your life according to your own plans and decisions. But the truth thing is, you don’t know what’s ahead. That’s why you need to prepare yourself, and God alone knows what’s waiting for you on the other side. So acknowledge His instructions and live according to His laws.
Yes, it’s not about your works or efforts, but you need to commit your life to Him so that you’ll stop walking away from His will. He won’t always explain to you everything you wanted to know, but one thing is for sure, God loves you, and He deeply cares for your whole being.
Walk according to His ways. Let Him rule your life. Put Him at the center and imagine that He is always there with you. Never forget that you owe everything to God. The food that you eat, the air you breathe, the water that you drink – all of them come from your Heavenly Father. That’s why, He is so worthy to be honored and glorified. Despite our sins and imperfections, He still gave us the chance to enjoy His creations.
He loved us even before we knew Him. He created us out of joy and not out of anger. He delights in us. God deeply wants us to follow Him. So stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Focus on God and grow in His presence.
Depend on your loving Father. Trust in His love, and you’ll have the courage to walk on the unknown yet wonderful path that He prepared. Keep your faith in Him, and you will overcome the obstacles that come your way. Believe in His promises, and you will receive the strength that you need. Humble yourself and obey His commands. Only then will you receive the blessings that you can’t comprehend. Keep moving and do the right thing. When you feel so broken inside, just come closer to His heart and trust in His love. Only then will you have the courage to accept His will.