Self Development

You’ll never know what other People Truly Feel

Nobody really knows what you truly feel inside except God. And the same goes for the people around you, even if you think you know what they are going through, but you are not wearing their shoes. You never experienced the exact pain that they are trying to deal with because you didn’t see everything that’s going on in their lives. This is the reason why you shouldn’t judge other people. Instead of telling them to immediately get up and move on, try your best to listen to them first.

Be patient because we also have different ways of dealing with our pain. Some can easily recover, but others need some time and more understanding. Pray that God will give you a compassionate heart to care and listen to them. Know that what they feel inside is something that you can never understand. Yes, you’ll have an idea about the stories behind their tears, but you have no clue about the things that they are trying to deal with. It’s too personal, and only God knows how to help them.

Choose to love the people around you. Sometimes, it’s so hard to understand their ways but instead of trying to change them, why not start the change within? Let the love of God reign in your heart so that you can share it with others. Allow Him to love you first so that you will have an idea about what love truly is. Give other people the chance to commit mistakes. Know that just like you, they are also carrying so many struggles inside and what they need is more understanding.

Broken people find it hard to love themselves, and they can’t help but unknowingly transfer their pain to others. So instead of judging or condemning them, be more gracious to them. Extend God’s mercy and remember what Jesus did on the cross. Be the bigger person who’s willing to overcome the pain so that the love of God can reign.

Ask for God’s wisdom, for He alone knows the heart of the people around you. Rely on His understanding and never allow your negative emotions to consume your decisions. Read the bible, and there, you will discover so many principles that you can use in dealing with those people who are too hard to understand. If you want to glorify God in your life, then you can start it by showing to others who He truly is. Walk in His light and be guided by His instructions.

He will teach you how to be more compassionate to those people who are in pain. He will give you the courage that you need so that you can continue serving them. He will open the eyes of your heart so that you will realize the things that you need to consider in dealing with others. Stay in His arms and ask for help. God will be there, and He will use your life so that He can bless others.

Keep praying for those people who are having a hard time. Ask God to comfort them, and may His love embrace their wounded heart. Just walk with them along the healing journey. Remember that your patience will be tested because broken people are sometimes hard to deal with. But if you allow God to use your life as a vessel of His love, then you will receive the strength that you need. Know that He hears your prayers, and all your efforts will never be wasted. One day, you will reap a bountiful harvest. By God’s grace, you will be able to see with your own eyes how He powerfully restores a broken person. Keep loving them, and you will experience the kind of joy that your heart can’t contain.