Your Actions Are Louder than the Words that you Preach
If you wanted to share Jesus with other people, then always remember that they see your actions first before they hear the words that you preach. Do not just release the words that you think they should know. Let the people around you see who God is through your character and how you deal with them. Let them feel that you care for them so that they will lend some ears and listen. Show to them who Jesus is by your actions and the words that you speak. If you think that there are things that you need to develop in your character or behavior, then come to God first and let Him change you from the inside out. Remember that people will only listen once you make them feel loved and accepted.
Build a good relationship with others first. It’s not going to be an easy path because there are moments when your character will be tested. But as long as you choose to journey with them in seasons when they go through the wilderness, then it means that you commit yourself to help them. When they feel that you care for them, then they will slowly realize that there is still hope in life. The time and effort that you gave to them will never be wasted because it’s like a seed that you planted in their hearts. It will grow and prosper. One day, that person will know who God is because someone was always there for them, and that’s you.
Show others that you care. Do not just preach the word of God without building some trust in other people. A relationship with Him takes a long process. Sometimes, when we want to point out other people’s mistakes, we tend to be very aggressive in making them feel wrong. But God never condemns us. He made us feel so loved and treasured first before He corrects us. May we also do the same thing to others. May we learn to love them first before we share with them who God is.
Let your actions reflect the goodness and love of God. Remember that you are a bearer of His light. It means that you are His representative here on earth. How you act and behave towards others reflects who your God is. So choose to be kind first, and only then people will listen to what you will say. Sharing the gospel isn’t just about telling people what is written in the Bible, but also about loving those who are lost and broken.