Self Development

Your Actions will change when your Thoughts are Renewed

What’s on your mind is very important. Maybe you think that your thoughts don’t matter, but the truth is, they will eventually reflect on your actions. Your brain is like the CEO of your body. It dictates your mood, decisions, and your behavior. So when you keep on following the same pattern of thinking, you’ll stop learning new things. Then you will never grow. Your character will stay the same no matter how much you try to change them.

The root of the problem is not your behavior. It may be the most evident part that you’ll first notice, but it lies in how you think. So work on the inside first. Guard your thoughts and fill your mind with the right perspective. If you want to experience lasting transformation, then renew your views in life and align them to God. Do not follow your own knowledge and understanding. Seek the source of wisdom and grow closer to Him. And only then will you find it so easy to change your behavior. It will immediately flow into your decisions.

Change the way you think. Look at how you see things because that’s where you can start to transform your life. Spend more time with God, and He will teach you how to look at your situation the way He sees them. Cultivate your secret place. Put Him first, and He will take good care of you. The process of complete transformation may take time, but you need to allow Him to move.

Sometimes, when we see that nothing happens after a long period of time, we tend to follow our own ways. Just be patient and keep doing what is right in the eyes of God even if you feel so tired and exhausted. Trust Him because He is the only One who can reveal to you heavenly perspective. This world will give you so much information that will affect your mindset. That’s why you need to be careful. Fill your mind with His Word so that you will learn to do the things that honor His Name.

Allow God to guide you. It’s very difficult to change yourself without His instructions. Depend on His wisdom and be humble. He is the only One who can lead you to the right path. The process of transformation is not an easy journey. But the moment you’ll consciously choose to follow God’s voice, you’ll slowly receive the strength and grace you need. Remember what He said. Fill your thoughts with His laws and promises. Write them in your heart so that you can apply them. When you have the right mindset, you will eventually see changes in your life and in your surroundings. 

Your actions are products of your thoughts. If you notice that you have a certain behavior that you need to change, then the first thing you do is check the way you think every time you commit those unwanted actions. Only then will you realize the specific mindset that you need to change.

If you read the word of God, you’ll learn that your perspective truly matters in your life. Apostle Paul himself reminded God’s congregation to think of what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Jesus also reminded the people to repent and receive the good news. The word repent comes from the Greek term “metanoia” – meaning a change of mind or transformation of outlook. That’s how God wants us to renew our thoughts and align our actions to His will.

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