Your Character is Shaped According to the Decisions that you Make
Your growth depends on the road that you choose to take. It’s not just about the circumstances that you face or about the people around you. Who you are depends on the choices that you make in your life. It means that you always have the power to change. God gave you the freedom to make decisions. He gave you the authority to take charge of yourself. Stop blaming others for the way you see things. Your surroundings don’t have the power to disturb you as long as you won’t allow them. You can choose how to think and react. You can determine your actions and do the things that you want. It depends on how you manage your emotions. So always align your decisions to God. And only then will you see so many changes inside.
Your decisions are very important. They can shape you as a person. The way you handle the consequences of your choices will affect your character in the long run. So learn the habit of asking God about the best thing to do. Seek His approval and allow the people that He sends to guide you. Make use of the resources around you so that you will learn more of His ways. Open the bible and you will discover so many principles that you can apply in your daily life. Take every step with God and wait until He directs you. If you are not certain about the things that you do, then just remember His ways and you will be guided.
You are responsible for your own growth. Other people can’t simply share every experience just to teach you the lessons that you need to learn. Sometimes, you need to do the hard work. You can still improve yourself by being intentional about it. Nothing will happen if you will just flow and allow the circumstances to change you. Remember that God already empowered you to make decisions. You still have the chance that you need. If you are still breathing, then that means that God is giving you enough time.
Ask God for wisdom. Let Him lead you to wise decisions. Never rely on your own understanding. Instead, seek Him first and will lead you to the path that He created. Allow Him to reign and treat Him as your King. Set your eyes on His will and He will be the one who will shape your character. Following Him is not about believing in your own efforts and strengths, but it’s more about receiving His grace and love. Once you learn to open your heart and allow Him to take over, then you will slowly learn how to surrender to His will.