
Your Faith can save you from Greater Pain

Most of the time, God will ask you to keep your faith not because He is blocking the blessings that you wanted to receive but because He is saving you from greater pain. He will ask you to wait on His promises so that you will no longer walk along the path that will break your heart. You don’t have to try everything just for you to learn. All you need to do is trust and wait on His perfect timing. And it takes faith to do it. Believing in things that you can’t even see is sometimes harder than taking the most difficult test that your teacher can give. But it’s not impossible. You can do it if you will rely on God’s strength and mercy.

Let your faith be greater than your fears. Imagine the good things that you experienced with God, and let those precious memories birth hope in your life. Remember what is written in His word and believe in His promises with all your heart. Receive the assurance that Jesus offered to you on the cross and let His perfect love cast away your fears. You can still overcome what you feel. You have the power to manage yourself. God created you with the ability to resist the lies of the enemy. So don’t allow fear to consume your life. Keep declaring God’s goodness, and only then will you slowly see His hands moving in the midst.

Don’t follow your own emotions and understanding because, most of the time, they are not reliable. Instead, listen to God. Seek His approval. Your fears can never control you as long you make the right decisions. You may feel so uncomfortable along the path that God created, but keep walking. It simply means that He is giving you the chance to grow and become a better person. Don’t be driven by your selfish desires. They may temporarily quench the thirst that you feel, but it won’t sustain you in the end. You need to believe that greater things are coming. Save yourself from pain and take a risk. Trust in the His promises even if you can’t see them.

God prepared wonderful things for you. He is your Father who desires to give you the best. So stop following your own will. Your fears may be difficult to manage, but the moment you learn to keep your faith in God, you will then forget those things that hinder you from experiencing more of His blessings. God is pleased by His children who choose who exercise their faith. He takes delight in those people who keep on believing despite the hardships they experienced. So keep your faith growing, and one day, you will thank God for saving you from misery.