Self Development

Your Fears will lead you to Build Big Walls around your Heart

The pain that you experienced in the past will create fear in your heart. If you don’t properly go through the healing process, you will always build walls to protect yourself. This is the reason why you need to face your fears. It’s not an easy thing to do because it’s heartbreaking, but you will only experience true freedom the moment your wounds are healed. You won’t be able to receive love if you keep on trying to remember the pain. Instead of enjoying what God prepared for you, the fears that you are carrying will negatively affect the way you look at God’s blessings. Not only that but your decisions will also be distorted because you are trying to avoid the things that will remind you of the pain. In short, your future is at risk if you allow the fear to reign.  

Let go and surrender in the presence of God. You can’t face your fears on your own. You need the Holy Spirit to remind you of your true identity in the eyes of God. The situations that you face daily will lead you to forget who you truly are. That’s why God’s Spirit needs to constantly speak to your heart. You will only learn to be sensitive to His ways when you allow Jesus to reign. Accept and believe in His love for you. Only then will you have the courage to let go of the things you can’t control. His peace and grace will lead you to surrender the wounds you are trying to hide inside.

God’s perfect love can cast out your fear. It’s His faithfulness that will remind you to hold on and keep moving. It’s His grace that will strengthen you to forgive those people who broke your heart. It’s His mercy that will push you to be kind to those who never appreciate your presence. It’s His perfect love that will teach you how to let go of the pain and freely express what you feel. So come to His presence and let Him embrace your wounded soul. Don’t worry. The process that you will experience will lead you to complete healing.

Faithfully walk with Him even when you can’t understand what’s happening. Stay by His side even when your heart is breaking. Just abide in His will, and His unfailing love will always be there.

Stop building walls and stop creating lasting relationships. You can only do that when you let go of your fears and allow God’s love to reign. You can still find meaning in your life despite the pain of the past. You many think there’s no chance for you to get healed, but nothing is impossible in the presence of God. He can absolutely make you whole and complete. Jesus can restore your life. And when you learn to fully accept His love, the wall around your wounded heart starts to fade.