Your Heart won’t always be Safe in the Arms of Imperfect Humans
You will experience brokenness in this world. No matter where you go or whatever you do, you can’t avoid difficult people in your life. It’s because you can’t control them. The only thing you can do is learn to manage the way you react to their behaviors. Your heart won’t always be safe as long as you are still breathing in this world. You may try to build some walls, but the hard truth is you will face so many circumstances that will test your character and perspective. In facing those obstacles, you will feel a lot of negative emotions. It’s like a roller coaster ride. So don’t expect things to be smooth and easy. Instead, welcome changes as if it’s your friend. If you happen to meet challenging people along the way, just stand still and know that God will teach you how to handle them.
Allow other people’s imperfections to shape your character. Welcome them like teachers who can mold you into a better person. Instead of taking their negative actions as something that is against you, choose to focus on the lessons. You need to figure out the jewels behind their mistakes. It’s not easy to do it, especially when you are deeply affected. But do not focus on their actions. Instead, look at the way you react to their bad habits. Try to recognize the areas where you can improve and the different ways in which you can maximize your experience. Do not waste the things that God allowed you to go through. There are great opportunities behind your pain and disappointments.
Strengthen yourself in the Lord. Please stop expecting other people to fill the void inside your heart. They can’t fully satisfy your soul. You will just end up broken-hearted if you will depend on them. Look unto Jesus, for He can make you whole. Fix your eyes on His grace so that you will never forget the great things that He did in the past. Remember the testimonies that He started in your life. Know that He is faithful. He will surely keep His promises. So connect to His heart, and the imperfections of others can never break your soul.
Accept the truth that your life here on earth will never be perfect. You will surely encounter pain, but the good thing is that God never allows things to happen in your life without a purpose. So have faith in Him even when the world keeps on throwing so many obstacles in your path. From now on, try to treat pain as one of the best ways for you to grow and become a better person. Your heart may not always be okay, but your loving Father is always there to embrace and comfort you.