Your Life is too Expensive
No one can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for them— the ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough—
Psalm 49:7-8, NIV
Your life is one of the biggest blessings you could even receive. It is so expensive because no amount of money is ever enough for you to have a long time here on earth. God ordains your life, and whether you like it or not, He alone knows what will happen next. Remember that even the rich people can never pay God just to have the long life they wanted. Yes, they can pay for hospital bills, but if God decides for their life to be over, then there’s nothing that they can do about it.
So while you are still breathing, always remember to be grateful for what God has given you. Choose to cherish the remaining time you have and don’t waste it by doing things that will destroy your soul. Use what you have to glorify God. Make the most of the time He has given you, and you will live a fulfilled life.
Don’t take His blessings for granted. There may be seasons when you feel so empty and lost inside, but do your best to remember His goodness. Maximize them while you still have enough strength. Don’t wait for something worst to happen. Use what you have to bless the people around you. Let your life serve as a light, especially to those people who are walking in the darkness.
Do not let the pressure of this world hinder you from living the kind of life that God prepared. Focus on His power and put Him at the center. Only then will you have the confidence to overcome the obstacles that you’ll meet along the way. In Him, you will learn to treasure what you have for His glory. Let God guide you, and He will change the way you live your life. He will allow you to go through the process, and He will transform you from glory to glory,
Remember that you can never turn back time. You can’t alter your decisions and avoid certain consequences. You can’t go back to the past and change what you did. So think before you act. Don’t waste your time walking on a journey that is not meant for you. Listen to God and ask for His guidance. Do not rely on your own understanding.
Sometimes, we just make our plans thinking that we know what’s best for us. But we don’t know what’s ahead. Only God sees what’s waiting for us. So before you make decisions or do something, consult God first so that you will be guided. He will give you the courage to do the right thing. Ask for His wisdom, and you will overcome everything. Don’t be in a hurry. Take your time to think of the things that truly matter most in the end. Focus on what can give you peace and rest.
Treasure your time while you still can. Embrace God’s love and let Him open the eyes of your heart so that you will live this life without regrets. Do not trade your time with things that will keep you away from God’s presence. Enjoy your journey with Him, and only then will you learn to treat your life as a very big blessing. He will make you realize how rich and wealthy you are, not because of the money and earthly treasures that you have but because of the life that you have with Him. Your memorable adventures with God will be worth it. They may include tears and suffering, but they are worth more than the riches you can acquire here on earth.