
Your life will be different if you Know who you are in the eyes of God

Your creator is the only One who knows you from the inside out, so you need to listen to His voice. Things will be so different if you will just live according to how He created you. In Him, you will feel empowered. He will prove to you that you are not just an ordinary person. He created you with a great purpose in mind. His plans for you are always for your own good. He designed you with unique talents and gifts that you can offer to the world.

In Him, you will not see yourself as garbage. Instead, you will be reminded of your potential and the great things in store for you. Open your heart for His love so that you will know Him more. He will make you grow in His presence, and He will be there to support you along the way. You can do all things as long you know who you are in His eyes.

Seek your identity in the Lord. Do not listen to what other people say about you. Sometimes, you will hear negative comments from others, but you need to remember that they don’t have the right to judge you because they don’t know who you truly are. They may see your physical appearance. They may observe your actions, but they don’t have a clue about the things that you are going through. People don’t know your thoughts, so don’t listen to them. Instead, seek God.

Let Him lead you to the life He prepared for you. Believe in His words and do not entertain the lies you hear from the enemy and the people around you. Remember that God sees you as a valuable person. He treasures your life, and He created you to love others. You are not here on earth just to do the things that you want. You need to align your decisions to God and figure out the purpose that He wants you to fulfill. You can do that if you discover your identity in His presence.

Know that you are more than who you think you are. God gave you that life, and He allowed you to meet certain people and put you in that situation because He knows that you can do it. He sees something in you that you cannot see. It’s time for you to discover the hidden potential inside. God believes in you. He will never allow something to happen without a purpose. Maybe He wants you to step outside your comfort zone so that you will finally experience breakthroughs. You can do great things as long as you are in His presence.

You just have to depend on Him and keep your faith. You may not fully discover yet the abilities that He gave you, but if you choose to take one step at a time, you will get there. You will meet the person that God created. The process with take long, but you need to set your eyes on Him and not on your fears. If you believe in His amazing power, you will experience things that are beyond what you can comprehend. You will see the blessings and the resources around you, and that’s when you will learn to live according to your purpose and calling.

Your life will be completely transformed if you know who you are in the eyes of God. Your decisions will change because you will see your surroundings from a different angle. Where you are aligned to the will of God, and you live according to how He sees you. Your dreams will be bigger because you know that you can do all things with Him. You will stop limiting yourself. Instead, you will have enough courage to explore the possibilities and opportunities that He gave. You will no longer live in fear because you know that a child of God has the authority to cast away the powers of the enemy. When you know that you are a valuable treasure, you will stop treating yourself useless. Instead, you will act as if you already have everything you need. You will discover so many things about God if you just change the way you see yourself.