Self Development

Your Life will Never Change if you will not do Something about it

You need to do something. If you feel so stagnant in life, then you need to decide. Do you want to stay like that forever? Or do you want to see changes happen? You see, life will throw so many circumstances and unexpected events, and those things may push you to move, but it will never give you the assurance that you will grow. It depends on how you apply the lessons that you learned. And you will only figure out the lessons the moment you learn to pause and reflect on what happened. You need to ponder on your actions and the way you see things. You need to constantly ask yourself if you really processed the circumstances that God allowed you to face. Don’t be a passive learner. Be intentional and take the right direction.

Don’t allow fear to consume you. Maybe you find it hard to make changes in your life because you are too scared that the worst things might happen. Perhaps, you are afraid that you might encounter pain. But you need to keep in mind that risks are part of life. You need to take it as a challenge. Don’t treat it as something that will attack or destroy you. Instead, use it as your chance to grow and become a better person. If the situation requires you to stretch and adjust, it means that God is giving you opportunity to level up. Do not focus on the negative things. God’s blessings are always greater than the plans of the enemy. It means that you may encounter unexpected moments, but God’s grace will always be there. He will never fail you. 

Step outside your comfort zone. Do things you never did before. Explore new opportunities. Learn new things. Don’t allow other people’s expectations and your fear to trap you from experiencing the future that God prepared. You are more than who you think you are. You may not see your potential, but God knows the hidden treasures that you have inside. He is your creator. He knows what you can do. So instead of questioning His ways, choose to abide and allow Him to reign. Growth will never happen in your comfort zone. That’s why stop staying there. Move. Ask God for courage, and He will personally motivate you to keep growing.

Allow God to lead you. You may have your own plans, but God knows what’s best for you. If He asks you to let go of certain things and to try new adventures, then trust that His grace will always be there. He will hold your hands and never let you go. God will be there to equip you. He already prepared you for the things that He asks you to do. You may not see His hands, but He is always moving in your life. He never stops performing miracles. And you can only appreciate those miracles when you choose to follow His instructions.