Your pain can Produce Fruitful Seeds that Will bless Someone’s Life
Imagine a tiny seed planted in good soil. When the right time comes, that seed will grow and become fruitful. But before that wonderful day happens, its roots need to be strong, and it won’t immediately sprout in the ground. There will be moments when the seed will stay hidden in the darkness. You may not see its progress, but it’s building a solid foundation on the inside. The same goes for our lives. Sometimes, we will go through the darkness and experience so many obstacles. But that doesn’t mean you will be destroyed. What you face will turn into good soil that will help you grow and become more fruitful. The hurt inside will produce a bountiful harvest that will bless someone’s life.
God will never waste your pain. So surrender what you feel to Him, and He will take good care of you. He is collecting all your tears. When the right time comes, He will open your eyes so that you will see His hands. Only then will you realize that everything that happens in your life has a purpose. Remember that He is a very intentional God. It means that He carefully planned everything before He allowed them to happen in your life. He determines the lesson you need to learn and decides the best struggle you need to overcome so that you’ll be a better version of yourself.
You are growing, and that means you are capable of handling greater blessings. Maybe, you can’t physically see your growth, but deep inside, God is changing your heart. Every pain allows you to see things differently, and when your perspective is changed, you will also start to value the blessings you used to ignore. At the same time, you will be more mature to handle responsibilities and commitments. So be patient when you go through problems. Know that God will turn your story into a blessing that will inspire someone to believe in His great power.
The lessons you learned from your painful experiences are like fruitful seeds that will bring glory to God. He will use you as a powerful vessel that will remind someone about His love and mercy. Your heartaches will turn into priceless lessons that will guide others, especially in making the right decision. Everything will make sense. Just do the right, and the seeds will bear fruit that will last until eternity.

One Comment
Kabita sharma
Hello there, whoever is reading this please pray for me, I am at a state where i am loosing everything in life, from my career, to my relationship, family and my self, I m trying hard to hold on to God, please pray that that he if trusting him breaks me or makes me, I stay with my God and he with me.