Your Pain doesn’t give you the Permission to Condemn yourself
Accepting your mistakes and condemning yourself are two different things. You can acknowledge the wrong things you did and take responsibility for the consequences without putting yourself down. You must give yourself some time to process your emotions and be patient enough to wait for your heart and mind to recover.
Please stop judging yourself. You may think that you understand what’s going on in your life, but only God knows what’s behind the scene. Trust in Him, and don’t put yourself in a place where you can no longer see His light. Focus on His grace and receive the compassion and love that God poured out in your life. It may be important to face the pain, but that doesn’t mean you need to blame yourself for what happened. Choose to learn the lessons and apply them in the future. Don’t live in the past because you might not appreciate the blessings that God gave you in the present.
Choose to be kind to yourself. Every time you remember the mistakes and the negative things that happened before, learn to tap your own shoulders and remind yourself that it’s not your fault. Bad things can happen to good people. As long as you are living in this world, you always have the chance to experience unexpected brokenness and pain. And that doesn’t mean you deserve what you’ve been through. They are just part of life that you need to overcome.
Accept the negative emotions you have, but don’t treat them as part of who you are. Be your own best friend. It means that you must find time to listen to the worries and cares inside. Take your time to heal the wounds. Stop attacking yourself with negative words that will just make you feel so weak. Choose to listen to the voice of God, and you will slowly embrace your identity in His eyes.
Love and forgive yourself. You are not a robot. You need to rest and feel validated. You are not a perfect machine that can do things at once. You need to go through the process and slowly learn new skills. So allow yourself to commit mistakes. Accept that you don’t know everything and you are still growing. Part of loving yourself is choosing to be patient, especially when you can’t figure things out. You need to learn when to pause and give yourself a break.
You also need to forgive yourself for being so harsh and negative. Let go of the things you can’t control and try to appreciate the blessing around you. Be grateful and remember that everything you have is all by God’s grace. When you keep in mind that His love is greater than your pain, you will slowly learn how to deal with your negative emotions.
Remember that God never condemns you. Even Him, who is perfect and pure, chose to love and accept you despite what you did. He doesn’t focus on your mistakes. Instead, He knows that good things will still happen in your life. He understands your heart.
Fill your mind with Heavenly perspective so that you’ll stop thinking of your painful past. Choose to accept the lessons and move forward. In such a way, you will have enough strength to face any storm because you choose to love yourself no matter what happens. That love will equip you to overcome the difficult things in life.

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Nathaniel Myles