
Your Past is there to Mold You, not to Define You

Unchained yourself from the past that is already forgiven by God. You deserve to have more in this life. Live it for His glory as long as you are still breathing and living. There are still countless things that He wants to shower you with. He sees you as His child who deserves to be loved and cared for. Not a second of your life that He does not know. No matter how happy or devastating it might be, the past is a passing thing to have more in your life. You will sometimes avoid but look back to the past significantly when your present does not fall in your favor. But looking back on what has been cannot change anything. You can, however, perceive your past differently to help your present and better understand your life. 

It is okay to look back but being trapped isn’t. Your past used to be your present also. It happened because it has reasons and lessons that life wants you to realize. It teaches and molds you to become stronger and a better version of yourself. Suppose your heart desires to have more love within, hence, you need to take the steps and permanently relinquish yourself of God’s word. Bathing in His presence will also make you understand your past, yourself, and His ways. Loving yourself will take time, especially when a part of your past is too hard to face and be forgiven. But do not worry, for, in that journey, you will be with Him. He will be there to guide you. He will listen to the clamor and noise, the painful words, and the jumbled thoughts of your mind. 

You can face and forgive your past. It may take some time but start it anyway. Be patient and understand yourself more and more in every step. Seek His word always. Always remember His promises and words. When the situation tempts you to make the same mistake again, declare His greatness. Declare the goodness of God in your life in front of your enemy. Let your preferences be greater than the fear you feel. Hold on and believe that God can forgive you and your past. You can also, are able, to forgive and let yourself heal. 

Define yourself by the identity that God has given you. You are worth pursuing. You are a treasure and are loved. You deserve good things in this life. Pain may come, but it is there to mold and teach you, not to chain and punish you. Your identity is something that only God can see in you and not in this world to define. Yes, you need to be part of this world, but know that within you is a root that connects to His love. No matter what life and this world throws on, you can never separate yourself from His love. 

Think of your purpose and His promise. Everything will be worth it in the end. God will be there with you. His wisdom and promises will guide you. Remember that God has a lot of plans for you. More favors and blessings are coming your way. Do not block yourself from the past. Free yourself because God knows you deserve it.