Self Development

Your Simple Act Of Kindness Is Already A Big Difference

Many people wanted to change the world, but they don’t want to improve themselves. They forget that change starts deep within. It happens when we learn to deal with ourselves first. Be the change that you want to see in the world. You can start by being kind to yourself. Because if you know how to take good care of yourself, you will also learn to be kind to others.

The simple things that you did for someone else is already a big thing for them. You may not realize it now, but one day you will know what it truly means to them. Others may not be able to appreciate your good deeds, but continue to be kind to the people around you because God knows what’s in your heart, and He will bless you even more. Sometimes, what this world needs are just simple acts of kindness. It’s contagious. And the more you help someone, the more you will learn to treasure your life here on earth.

Never underestimate the simple things you did because, in God’s eyes, it’s already a big thing. He even appreciates those moments when you are really trying to help someone else, even if it means sacrificing your own interest. God knows your intentions, and He genuinely values it. Just imagine that everything that you do is for the glory of God. When you feed the hungry and give shelter to the homeless, imagine that you are also doing it for God.

I hope that you will never get tired of doing good things for someone. May God’s blessings always be enough for you to share it with those in need. I pray that you will have a compassionate heart to accept those who never really experience the comfort of home. Because when you learn to help those who can’t pay you back, you are also giving yourself the chance to genuinely serve God.

What you do to the least of your brothers and sisters will matter to God. Remember that He treats everyone equally. We are all His children, and He loves us so much. If you want the future generation to experience a better world, then start the change within you. You don’t have to do tremendous and extravagant things. You can start doing simple things that will brighten up someone’s day.