
Your Simple Gestures

A simple smile means a lot
Especially to a person
Who forget what happiness feels like

Tears are so precious
Especially to someone
Who finds it hard
To express the pain inside

A warm hug is priceless
Especially to someone
Who feels so alone
And taken for granted

A simple message
That says, “How are you?”
Is like a rare treasure
Especially to those
Who are having a hard time
Dealing with this life

You never really know the impact
Of your simple gestures
Not unless you go out
And try to be kind to others

This world is so broken
We all need someone to remind us
That there is still hope and healing
So choose to do good things

The people around you are fighting
Some battles you never know
Some of them are crying out for help
Some of them are losing themselves

So be kind and choose to serve others
Smile and show the people around you
That life is still good
Learn to understand and be patient
Because you never know
What others are going through

If you find it hard to deal with them
Then just choose to lift them up in prayers
Cry out to God
And ask Him
How to humbly serve His people

Above all, be a vessel of His love
Let Him use your life
To bless someone today
Open your heart
So that He can come in and reign

And when you are full of His presence
You can’t help but share Jesus
With those who are broken
Don’t just live for your own benefit
Choose to give love even if sometimes, it hurts

Share His grace
Especially to those people
Who caused you pain
Release His mercy and love
And you will end this life
With a smile on your face