Your Tears are precious Gifts
Let them flow, pour out your heart, and know that God understands you. Don’t hold them back. Your tears are wonderful gifts from your Father. They can wash out the impurities inside. They can express the things that you can’t put into words. Your pain may be unbearable but never forget that your tears will never be wasted. God is collecting them all, and when the time is right, you will smile again. You’ll appreciate those moments that made you stronger. Those painful seasons turned your heart into a beautiful masterpiece. But until then, just take every opportunity to pour out what you feel.
Don’t be afraid to show your pain. Strong people know how to deal with them even when they are bleeding. Just don’t face them alone. Look unto God, and He will give you the strength to keep walking.
Not all people have the courage to admit their weaknesses. Some of them find it hard to even cry. It’s not that they are strong to face their situations. It’s just they don’t want to admit the truth that they are hurting. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging your wounds. When you go through the heartbreaking season, please allow yourself to adjust and feel the pain. It’s not a sign of weakness. Instead, it simply means that you are brave enough to face whatever it is that breaks your heart.
It won’t be an easy step, but acceptance is more powerful than you think. It can lead you to brighter days. Recognizing the hard truths in life will help you overcome the pain inside. Allow it to bleed. Know that God is there to heal and mend your deep wounds.
One way to show your pain is to cry. It’s an effective way to pour out all the heaviness in your heart. Allow yourself to go through it. Yes, it’s the most challenging part of the process, but once you accept your pain, you will slowly see a bright light ahead. You can be so vulnerable in the presence of God. He won’t hurt or condemn you. Instead, His love will comfort and embrace you.
Tears are part of life. It means that you are a human who also has the right to cry. You are God’s creation, and your tears expose the part of you that is so important in His eyes. If there’s someone who can accept you even in your most heartbreaking moments, it’s God. Come to His heart, and His love will fill the emptiness inside.
Tears will show the heart of the person. The reason why they are flowing in somebody’s eyes will lead you to the things that truly matter to them, so welcome your tears and let them reveal to you what’s in your heart. They’ll expose an important message from the deepest part of your soul. They may not come with words, but the moment they flow, somebody’s heart will easily understand them. And when it appears, you will discover those people who truly care. It is a gift that will bless your life and everyone who is in pain.

Nathaniel Myles
This was so timely to receive. I have always heard that tears are Gods way of cleansing us. Having just lost my 52 year old brother in law -I just received a call to come see my older sister who has been battling cancer for 6 years. He battle is almost over. I know it’s l but I’ll see
My brother in law -he was saved. But my sister is a Jehovas witness and doesn’t believe in salvation thru Jesus. Please pray for our last visit. That I have the opportunity to pray with her to receive Jesus as her lord and savior. The tears are flowing and have been. Only now they are more intense.