
Your Testimonies can Encourage a Broken Person to Stand

The pain that you feel inside will never be wasted. It will turn into a wonderful blessing. It will not only change your life, but it will also give courage to other people. Your stories of victories and redemption can uplift a broken person. They can powerfully encourage them to stand and start again. So do not give up because you are not the only person who will suffer in life. Some will also experience the same thing that you’ve been through, and if you overcome this season, then you can powerfully remind them about the great love of God. Because of the things that you experienced, you will know the specific encouragement that they will need. So keep going for the sake of those people who are walking behind you.

Let your life remind someone that there is always hope. Be encouraged by the truth that God is writing a perfect story for you. It means that He will use you to become a blessing to other people. So never give up because soon, you will be able to share the hope you have with those in pain. You will know how to minister to them because God already showed you how to do it. And the best way to thank Him is to serve His people. Do not just keep His grace inside your heart. Let the people know what it means to receive His mercy and love.

If you happen to overcome so many struggles in life, please never hesitate to share your testimonies with others. God will send people who need to hear your story, and when that day comes, just be there to remind them about the things that He can do in their lives. Share to them the miracles that He did and how He rescued you from brokenness. Allow them to ask questions and be there to guide them. When you choose to walk with them along the journey, you will also receive more of God’s love. You will also be reminded about the wonderful things that He did in your life.

You are a bearer of God’s light, so choose to shine even in the darkest places. Sometimes, when we already experience victory, we will eventually forget to acknowledge the will of God. Always keep in mind that He allowed you to overcome everything not just for your own sake but also for other people who are going through the same thing. He wants you to show them who He is in your life so that one day, they will also have the courage to believe in His promises, just like what you did.