Your Thoughts Don’t always Speak about the Truth
You are not your thoughts. Not everything that enters your mind reflects your true identity. So learn the habit of evaluating your judgments before you make any conclusions. Listen first and ask God if what you are thinking is aligned with His principles. Do not rely on your own understanding. It’s better to consult Him first than do things that you will regret in the end. Learn to confirm your ideas according to what’s written in the bible. Fill your mind with God’s words so that you’ll always be aligned and guided.
Beware! Your thoughts will eventually shape your decisions and your life. So be more conscious and careful. Keep yourself away from temptations. Instead of exposing yourself to unhelpful information, choose to read good books or watch and listen to educational and inspiring videos.
Do not immediately believe the things that are going on in your mind. Just because you think that you are not good enough doesn’t mean that it’s the truth. Learn to separate yourself from your thoughts. Just listen and observe what you are thinking, then move forward and do what’s right. You can even release them through creative ways so that they won’t turn into heavy burdens inside.
Express what’s on your mind in ways you feel comfortable. Just learn to properly manage those thoughts that can hurt other people. Release what you think but be responsible. You can express them through writing, composing songs, or even making videos. Don’t dwell on them too much, and remember that you are not living inside your imagination. You need to step outside and live your life.
If you happen to have negative thoughts, then surrender them all to God. Share to Him what’s on your mind and acknowledge them. After that, read His words, for it is the sword of the spirit. If you know what’s written on the bible, then you can easily fight against the lies of the enemy. Remember His promises and write them in your heart.
When you can’t help but feel worried and anxious, then open your bible and let God remind you of His ways. Let the Holy Spirit purify your thoughts and align you to His instructions. Listen to His voice and be patient. Wait for Him to move in your life. Claim the truth that you discovered in the scriptures and choose to apply them.
Focus on Heavenly perspectives, and you will know how to deal with your circumstances. Rely on God’s wisdom and allow Him to teach you. Acknowledge the truth that you need Him to lead you. Connect to His heart, and your thoughts will slowly be renewed. You can’t always think of positive things if you will trust on your own strength. Depend on God and keep your faith in Him. Only then will you receive a better perspective that will bless your life and the people around you. The wisdom that you’ll receive from Him will guide and protect you from the works of the enemy.