
Your Time Here On Earth Is Limited

Life is too short to waste
Remind yourself that yesterday
will never come again
And tomorrow is always uncertain

So don’t waste your time
Nourish your faith
And love God with all your heart
You may not hold your time
But your relationship with God will last forever

So focus on glorifying His name
Treasure every moment with Him
Stop storing wealth
that will easily fade away
Instead, build your treasures in heaven

Do not live this life with bitterness
Choose to forgive
Be happy with the blessings
that God provided for you
And stop looking for things
that you don’t have

Focus on His great love
And you will never feel empty inside
Choose to do the things that you love
Pray that God will teach you how to treasure your time

Do the things that will please His name
And choose to worship Him
even if you are in pain
Continue to serve others
Share God’s love to those who are in need

You may not gain earthly treasures,
but God is building your house in heaven
So focus on the promises of God
Never allow your negative emotions to consume you

Choose to love even if it hurts
Let God give you the strength that you need
You will never know
what will happen next

So while you still have time,
Use your life to testify the goodness of God
Be a blessing
And you will gain treasures
that only God can give