Your Values are more important than your Outer Beauty
God sees things differently. The world will tell you that beauty is more important than your character and values, but God will always remind you to focus on what’s going on inside. The world will tempt you to improve the things the people can see, but God’s love will compel you to work on things that will bring you to eternity. There are things that we consider important, but in the eyes of God, its value can’t even equate to what he already put in our hearts. This is the reason why you need to stop following the standards of this world. You will just feel broken and empty if you will just focus on what people want to see. Remember that you are surrounded by imperfect humans. You can never please all of them. That’s why you need to set your eyes on what matters most in the end.
Focus on developing your values in life. Keep growing from the inside. Align your character to God’s principles and learn from Jesus. Read the bible so that you will adopt the way Jesus deals with human limitations. Let His life here on earth influence you to become a better person. When you study His ways, you will realize that just like all of us, Jesus is also a human. He went through pain and persecution. He received threats and people rejected Him. Even His own brothers didn’t believe in Him. But you will be amazed by how Jesus responded to the negative things that happened in His life here on earth. If you just allow Him to speak to you, then you will surely find real treasures in His arms.
Let your substance be bigger than your structure. The things that you see on the outside is just a structure. They can be the honor, achievement, and success that people around you can see. While the substance refers to the things going on inside – your character, values, and true identity. They are sometimes taken for granted because we don’t usually notice them. But the moment you choose to reflect on what’s truly important, you will realize that substance is always more valuable than structure. Life will challenge you to grow up, and your structure can never sustain you. What will keep you going is your substance.
Remember what the Lord said to prophet Samuel when he was asked to select the next king of Israel.
“ But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
If you feel so ashamed because of how you look or what you failed to achieve, then keep this in mind. God loves you so much. He knows every detail of your life and accepts you for who you are. The real beautiful people are those who look at the heart and not just the physical appearance. So cheer up! God sees you as charming, brilliant, gorgeous, and beautiful. He sees what’s going on inside. He appreciates your heart, especially when you choose to love and serve Him. What matters most in the end is doing what pleases God and makes Him happy.