
Your Weaknesses will push you to Depend on God

Thank God for your weaknesses because it’s the reason why you learn to trust Him. God purposely created you with some limitations so that you will depend on Him and not on your own strength. When you acknowledge the things that you can’t do, it’s like you are also reminding yourself that you can’t live this life on your own. You may feel weak and tired, but it’s the perfect time for you to trust and lean on God. Embrace your imperfections because it’s where God will move and perform miracles. His grace will surround you and He will keep the fire burning. So instead of feeling disappointed with yourself, choose to surrender to God and allow Him to move in your life. Let Him take you to the place where you will realize how much you truly need Him.

Focus on God and not on your limitations. Set your eyes on what He can do. Sometimes, you won’t be able to maximize the blessings that God gave you because you are so disturbed by your weaknesses. You focus on what you can’t do, and that will prevent you from living the life that God prepared. So stop looking at your own abilities. Always remember how powerful God is. He can do all things. Just keep your faith in Him and believe in His promises even if you can’t see them yet. If you think that you can’t do certain things, then it’s a great opportunity for you to surrender to God. It’s time for you to wait on Him and allow Him to move. Let Him use the tiny resources that you have and multiply them for the expansion of His kingdom.

Be patient in moments when you feel so weak. Take some rest and receive the peace of God. Ask for His help, and He will give you enough blessings. Don’t blame yourself for the things that you can’t control. Surrender them all to God and give Him the space where He can move. Let Him lead you and take courage, especially when He asks you to do something new. It may feel scary at first, but your obedience to God will lead you to experience more of His miracles. Keep following His will even if you can’t understand what’s happening. God purposely hides some revelations from you so that you won’t be overwhelmed. Just keep on walking even if you feel weak. Know that His strength will always be there to sustain you.

Your weaknesses are sometimes blessings in disguise. It reminds you of who you truly are in the eyes of God. It gives you a humble heart to acknowledge His sovereignty. If we are created to do all things, then there’s a possibility that we will no longer honor the hands of God in our lives. Maybe, we would just depend on what we can do. Our imperfections will push us to receive God’s grace. So if you are in a middle of a season where your weaknesses are exposed, then it means that God is leading you back to His arms. He is asking you to deeply trust and depend on Him.