
Your Words are Powerful

Words are like burning arrows
That can destroy someone’s life
So please try to check them

Please don’t label other people
As worthless or weak
Avoid saying hurtful words
That will break somebody’s heart

Please stop judging others
You never know their whole story
You may not see the impact
Of the things that you said
But deep inside,
People are having a hard time
Just because of the simple
Yet hurtful words that you released

Sooner or later,
People will associate those words
As part of their identity
Remember that the things
That comes out of the mouth
Comes from the heart
And these make a man unclean

So evaluate the words
That you release to others
Please speak blessings to them

Instead of blaming other people
Try to encourage them
To become better
Speak words that will lift up
Those who are weak and broken

Release encouragements
That will inspire somebody to keep moving
Honor the people around you
As God’s children

What you do to them
You also do it to God
So treat them with respect and dignity

They are God’s creation
And that reason alone is enough
For you to keep on doing good things

You are God’s vessel
So share His love
Through the words
That comes out from your mouth

Speak words
That will lift someone’s life
And not break their hearts