Self Development

Your Words Can Make Or Break Somebody’s Heart

Always remember that your words are powerful. Sometimes, we tend to speak out the things in our minds, not knowing that we already hurt somebody’s heart. We are somehow quick to release words that are too painful for others to handle. When you wanted to release something from within, please learn the habit of taking a pause and try to ponder first the things that you wanted to say. Sometimes, it’s difficult to do it, especially when you are too full of your emotions, but choose to express what you feel in a private place. Acknowledge it and learn to compose yourself first. Just don’t release something out from the anger and the bitterness you feel inside. Let God give you peace, and He will teach you how to handle yourself.

Words come from the heart. Whether you like it or not, it is written in the bible that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Check your heart first and let God purify the negative things you feel inside because sooner or later, you will find yourself releasing those impurities through the words from your mouth. Somehow, you will discover the status of your heart the moment you learn to listen to your words because it simply reflects what’s on the inside. If you don’t want somebody to get hurt by the things you say, please let God heal your heart.

Learn to think of the people around you. There are moments when you simply release hurtful words because you think that you deserve to be heard, but people handle negative things in different ways. And sometimes, they are not that strong to hear and receive it. They are not just capable of handling words that are too painful for them to carry. So please choose your words wisely. Remember that it’s something that you can never take back. It will stay in their hearts, and if they don’t know how to deal with it, then it will destroy their lives.

Let the love of God fill your heart so that you will be able to release words that will bless others. When you are filled with His grace, you will not only think of yourself, but God will lead you to love others. In such a way, you will find yourself sharing the goodness of God instead of releasing something that will break their hearts. The words of God will be your foundation, and He will teach you how to release those words to others.