Faith,  His Word

Abide In His Ways And His Light Will Shine

The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine. But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker— travelers can’t see a thing; they fall flat on their faces.

Proverbs 4:18-19, MSG

Do the right thing, and you will see the light. There may be days when you find it so hard to make decisions because you don’t have any clue about what’s happening around you, but follow the ways of God. Abide in His ways, and His light will shine. In Proverbs 4, we are reminded that the longer the righteous live, the brighter they shine. On the contrary, wicked ways will lead someone to darkness. This is a truth that we should never forget.

There may be times when we notice that the wicked deeds of others prosper, but it won’t last long. It may seem unfair sometimes because those who do good suffer but believe that one day, the righteous will shine. God is doing something behind the scenes. He will bless those who faithfully obey Him even in moments of struggle and pain. God will never forget His people.

Do not set your eyes on those who walk along the road of wrongdoings. Instead, focus on Jesus. Do what He called you to do. The time will come when you learn to thank Him for leading you to do the right thing. It may be painful at first because you need to deny your flesh and carry your cross, but when you look back, you will see His hands guiding you through the light. The pain will be worth it in the end because God will give you blessings that this world could never offer.

Following God’s ways may not be that easy, especially when you are surrounded by people who could easily do wicked things. When you are in an environment that treats sin as part of living, you will be challenged to obey God. But remind yourself that His grace is sufficient. Hold on to His promises even if you can’t see them yet. Receive His wisdom, and you will be reminded to please Him.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to follow the ways of righteousness. As I walk along the journey with you, I pray that you will give me the strength to do the right thing. Please lead me to your will and give me the humility to obey your instructions. Help me, Lord, that I may always listen to your voice and seek your wisdom. Give me the faith to believe that your light will shine in the end. This I ask, in Jesus’ Name, I pray, amen.