Self Development

Acknowledge What You Feel Inside And Don’t Ignore It

We are living in a society wherein people don’t recognize our emotions as something valuable. We tend to ignore what we feel inside, especially when it’s a negative emotion. We invalidate our own feelings and pretend that everything is okay. We end up getting hurt again and again. God created your emotions for a purpose. You don’t have to ignore it. Instead, you need to face it.

When you are feeling down, you need to find time to release what you feel. Go to a place where you can be alone and try to acknowledge your emotion. If you are sad and in pain, then you can cry it out to God. You don’t have to keep it inside. You don’t have to hide it. Let the pain sink in and feel it.

Don’t worry about what other people think about you. Be true to yourself and accept what you truly feel. It’s one way of comforting yourself. The moment you acknowledge what you feel, you will start to figure out the roots of your pain. You will then discover a lot of things and its part of the healing process.

I know that it’s hard, but how can God comfort you if you don’t even acknowledge to yourself that you need help? Accepting what you feel doesn’t mean you have to live in it for the rest of your life. You just have to release it so that you will be relieved. The healing process starts with a decision to surrender everything to God. And allowing Him to do His thing means that you already release every pain to Him and allow Him to carry it for you.

Sometimes it’s okay not to be okay. God doesn’t invalidate your feelings. He accepts you for who you are. Being sad or disappointed is not a sin. It’s part of life, and we have to face it. Learn to treasure what you feel inside. Always remember that God would love to listen to everything that you wanted to tell Him. And above all, He wants to hear what your heart truly feels.

Being honest to yourself and to God is the best thing to do. Never underestimate what you feel inside because it will either break or build you. As long as you know how to handle it, everything will be okay. Ask God to guide you along the healing process. He will never disappoint you. You can always trust His ways.