Self Development

An Open Letter To Someone Who Is Afraid To Leave The Past Behind

You are such a brave person. Please always keep that in mind. You may experience many painful things in life, and you may feel so scared deep inside. But you need to leave the past behind and set yourself free from all the things that keep you from taking the next step. Yes, it’s not an easy thing to do, but there’s no other way out but to move forward. You can never turn back time and change the things that happened before. But you can always take the next step and change your perspective. You can still do something in the present. That’s why focus on the things that you can control and let go of the memories that will keep you from experiencing breakthroughs. You can do it because God will always be with you.

You can look back and learn the lesson but don’t just stay there. Move forward and keep on walking. Forgetting the things that happened before is an impossible thing to do. It will always be part of your life, and it will never change. Instead of avoiding those painful memories, learn to treasure the things you learned during those difficult seasons in your life because it will equip you to face whatever comes your way. Just carry those lessons with you, and one day, you will thank God for teaching you the most important things in life.

Forgive the people who caused you pain, and above all, forgive yourself. Stop blaming other people for what happened in your life. Instead, learn to accept the truth that there are things in life that we can never control. Choose to accept the mistakes that you made before, and give yourself the chance to grow as a person. Remember that you are not perfect. So be patient and learn to love yourself the way God loves you. Set yourself free by simply letting go of the bitterness you feel inside. Surrender to God the pain and the guilt you are carrying all this time. Let Him heal your heart and make it new.

Life must go on. So choose to live and create new memories. There are still a lot of things that you can look forward to. God prepared a very bright future for you, so do not be afraid to step up. He will give you enough strength. You can make it. God will guide you to the right path, and He will lead you to the light. So stop living in the darkness. It’s time for you to get up and experience the fullness of this life.


  • Annie

    God has a way of sending message that is badly needed at the moment. Today, i listened to podcast, inspirational vlogs that leads to only one message — move on and forget the past behind. Open your heart and let God direct your path.

    God has bombarded me with the same message for almost a week now. He truly knows what’s happening to me right now. I am depress because I am stuck, can’tet go with the hurts in the past and can’t overcome my trust issues.

    I thank you for being instrumental in sending God’s message to me.

  • Myda

    Thank you for this message. I was encouraged when reading these words as God are speaking to me.
    May the Lord our God bless you richly.

  • María

    Jesucristo es nuestro amparo nuestro refugio y el es quien nos enseña a encontrar la luz del camino que un día lo perdimos ahí el está para volvernos a esa luz